
When you have a child with a terminal illness and doctors tell you all the things your child will not be able to do, that is one hard pill to swallow. But as a parent you have to move on, fight for your child day after day and learn to celebrate the little miracles life brings. Because miracles do happen, like riding a bike for a child with special needs – that is one huge reason to celebrate. Seeing the smile on your child’s face, when they realize they can put the bike in motion, when they realize they can have wheels just like their friends, when they can be active participants of an activity just like the others. Seeing this as a parent is so uplifting, so emotional, can be overwhelming at first but always cherished.

Receiving a bike for your child that gives them the freedom of movement is a blessing that we, parents are always grateful for and say thank you every day to you, who make this possible for our children.
Nina and Bart E.


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